Wednesday, October 06, 2004

in the nows

No poem as beautiful as the wild ludic poem orangutan.

Today, only an estimated 15,000 - 25,000 orangutans survive in the wild, and experts predict possible extinction for the species by 2011.

Firstly, let's sign this petition to rouse the conscience or at least scare the prices of major retailers Sears, Target, Toys "R" Us and Wal-Mart.

No poem or painting as beautiful as the wild ludic orangutan.

Secondly, let's suggest to any of those we know shopping for a crib, to please look for the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification.

No poem or painting or sculpture as beautiful as the wild ludic orangutan.

Thirdly, I think consumers at these stores deserve to know that they are quite likely to unwittingly bear responsibility for the extinction of the orangutan. Vocal consumer action could make a difference for the orangutans. I'm thinking of the national publicity gained when several people protested Walmart's easter soldiers--remember that?

If even one wing of the Louvre burned! Imagine the outrage, uproar and mourning!

Poet Michael Brownstein tells us in WORLD ON FIRE that this is the Time of the Motherfuckers and these are The End Times. Who can accurately say that's not the Truth from the perspective of the orangutan and many species and peoples?

How how that's it in the nows for to life.


Blogger Heidi Lynn Staples said...

thanks for responding nanci! can you believe it? although i'm aware that we're in the midst of a mass extinction caused by the scale and scope of contemporary human civilization, the immensity of the loss we're causing continues to stun me. though i need to unstun and stay awake and do. give (rather than take) action. anywho, i've posted a response to your poem on your blog. thanks.

8:35 PM  

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