Wednesday, November 17, 2004

the cry again agleam aglam leg of lamb the traispe iams sent down from the masthead

The We at PARAKEET have taken Molly Arden & Reb Livingston's good example and decided to nominate several of our deserving writers for the Pushcart Prize. We haven't decided the Who. Very difficult indeed ye! We keep reading each piece and saying shouting anew, Yes! Definite ye Yes! And the whole issue sets out before us again agleam. We've tried very hard to only publish work we find truly I-poppingly excite zing, so.

We've been reading for edition No. 2. What a delightful and rich variety of work out there! Thank you all who have sent us your writing. So difficult to select. We read many fine pieces that don't necessarily fit with the Guiding Aesthetic of the PARAKEET project and then feel blew be louse about sending those notes of no. Zachary Schomberg of Octopus recently asked on the percentage of acceptances to rejections at other journals. I'd say we only publish about 10%. I cringe. Ache range. That said, did also pen out good news. And that's a real pleased here.

Two other updates on the 'keet: 1. We're busy at word on a website! 2. PARAKEET's reading period for edition No. 2 will close December 1st. If you're thinking of sending us your work, please send lit soon!

There—'Keet blogs!


Blogger Anthony Robinson said...

I've never seen the Parakeet, so I don't know the guiding aesthetic. However, I edit the Canary, another bird-named magazine, and therefore think I should send you some poems.

Isn't that a good idea?

Can you sum up the GA of the Parakeet in fifty words or less?


12:52 PM  
Blogger Heidi Lynn Staples said...

Ah ha Monsieur Can err ye!

Re: GA, I'd say PARAKEET 1 features work by Bruce Andrews, Michael Burkard, Lydia Davis, Christine Hume, Ethan Paquin, Christine Schutt, Diane Williams, James Wagner, and others. But rather than a 50 word or less, how about a 50page&+ ? Innernestegg in a lil' mag swap?

4:20 PM  

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